Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Favorite texts and genres

Identify a favorite media text. Identify what genre(/s) it belongs to. How might fans, producers & artists perceive the genre(/s) differently? How does this text achieve the "delicate balance between convention and invention"?

One of my personal favorite media texts is the Harry Potter series... and, as I have mentioned in class, it is definitely my guilty pleasure. It could be categorized under fiction and subcategorized as fantasy (for obvious reasons). I believe that the fans of this particular media text perceive the genre in many different ways. Some view it as some sort of subliminal anti-christian type of story. It can also be defined as something that just simply fascinates people and they just like to marvel at the fact that JK Rowling had the mental capacity to create something so amazing. Others, like myself, use it as an escape from the real world when all you want to believe is that Hogwarts exists, Dumbledore is real, and there is no magic that is impossible. The balance between convention and invention is extremely off. It isn't necessarily a conventional piece but it can definitely be defined as an inventive media text. Everything about it is original and every book isn't even close to redundant when it comes to the material contained within its pages and scenes. I love this media text and I probably will until the day I die... it's nice to take a step outside of the real world and let my imagination wander from time to time.

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