Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Significance of a Sign.

This semeseter, I have been introduced to the magic that is the television sitcom of Scrubs. There are many images from this show that can be used as an example of so many different signs pertaining to the show and its plot but I decided to go with this one because you can truly capture a large fraction of the essence that makes up this television series.

Clearly, the denotative meaning of the signs portrayed in this portrait is the fact that all but one of theses characters is a doctor. This will automatically allow one's mind to comprehend the fact that the show will take place in the vacinity of a hospital for the majority of the time. It is also made evident in this picture that the character in the back, who is well known as "Janitor" becaus his name has yet to be revealed, is, in fact, a janitor. One would assume that he, as well, was employed at Sacred Heart Hospital along with all of the other characters. Also, the difference in wardrobe can easily categorize each character into the types of categories of doctors that there are in a hospital. They can be defferred as a nurse, surgeon, chief of medicine, and a regular doctor... as well as a janitor.

As for connotative meaning, there are many things that could be assumed from this particular picture. Knowing the show, I am able to automatically tell that each and every individual personality of the characters in this show is being made very apparent through body language and facial expressions. It is easy to negate the fact that this would be a serious show because, let's face it, there aren't many hospitals around here where doctors would be racing on stretchers while the janitor held up the flags for the finish line. This is easily interpreted and stereotyped as a comedy. This can also be noted by the familiarity of the faces of some of the doctors as actors that the public may have heard of before. The majority of these characters have always starred in comedies and when people acknowledge this they can easily know that the basic concept of this show is to bring a smile and/or laugh to all or some viewers.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Favorite texts and genres

Identify a favorite media text. Identify what genre(/s) it belongs to. How might fans, producers & artists perceive the genre(/s) differently? How does this text achieve the "delicate balance between convention and invention"?

One of my personal favorite media texts is the Harry Potter series... and, as I have mentioned in class, it is definitely my guilty pleasure. It could be categorized under fiction and subcategorized as fantasy (for obvious reasons). I believe that the fans of this particular media text perceive the genre in many different ways. Some view it as some sort of subliminal anti-christian type of story. It can also be defined as something that just simply fascinates people and they just like to marvel at the fact that JK Rowling had the mental capacity to create something so amazing. Others, like myself, use it as an escape from the real world when all you want to believe is that Hogwarts exists, Dumbledore is real, and there is no magic that is impossible. The balance between convention and invention is extremely off. It isn't necessarily a conventional piece but it can definitely be defined as an inventive media text. Everything about it is original and every book isn't even close to redundant when it comes to the material contained within its pages and scenes. I love this media text and I probably will until the day I die... it's nice to take a step outside of the real world and let my imagination wander from time to time.

New TV genres

Using the concept hybridity, develop a pitch for a new tv show. Combine the elements of two different existing genres -- be sure to articulate which elements you're borrowing from each genre. Why do you think this new hybrid will work?

I chose to take an entirely different approach to this because I have actually thought of the possibility of what could be the make-up of a more entertaining, diverse, and interesting show.

I have noticed that Hollywood and MTV like to focus on the "lifestyles of the rich and the famous" to the point where our minds are pracitcally molded into believing that is the only way this world spins. I think this assists in the large problem in our economy and the money we are spending on ridiculous things... or lack there-of.

I don't mean to say that a television production should be captured in the town of Canal Fulton, Ohio... but I think that it would be very interesting to see a reality television show captured in ACTUAL reality. I got this idea while watching the movie Rent one day and how Mark Cohen tapes random, ugly truths about New York City. I think it would be extremely enlightening to tape a group of friends in a small town and how "most people" actually do live their lives. My friends, for example, were so hilarious and entertaining every time we were together that we said many times "we should have our own reality show". I think that would be an excellent idea for a television series and I truly do believe that non-fictional drama is far more entertaining and believable than what we see on shows like Laguna Beach, The Hills, and The City.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Identifying a Myth in a Mass Medium

having been 12 years old when the world trade center towers collapsed, i had never been very educated on the whole story. there are so many details that had been left out in my case because i had been so young and careless. i remember my mom coming to pick me up for my orthodontist appointment on september 11, 2001 and i had initially had no knowledge of anything happening. we were listening to talk radio the whole entire time and i was bored to death because none of it really pertained to my life.

being much older now and more concerned about society, and america in general, i realize that there is so much more to this story than what had met a 12-year-old's eye. my friend suggested that i watch this series of videos on youtube entitled "9/11 coincidences (part x)". it explains countless circumstances that many would consider coincidences on that tragic day but they put it in a perspective of all of these things being part of one giant conspiracy. whether anyone believes them or not is up to their imagination and how they allow their mind to wander... i, myself, still don't feel educated enough on this particular topic to have a firm opinion on what happened that day but i think that this series of simple youtube videos is a perfect example of a presence of a conspiracy.

in his name,


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Formative Media Text

Prompt: Write about some type of media that has had importance in shaping your life. It could be something that you encountered as recently as a week ago, or something that impacted you when you were five. Describe the text, your connection to it, and the impact it has had on your worldview, your opinions, or your life in general. Describe what it's like for you when you experience this media--describe it as if the reader has never experienced it before.

The particular type of media that I have held as the most important in shaping my life is an actual, literal book. I can't help but notice that "kids my age" tend to lean more towards reading articles in magazines such as US weekly, People Magazine, Sports Illustrated, and Rolling Stones. Though I am guilty of being an avid reader of each of these popular media texts, I have been most impacted by a book entitled Tears for Water by the singer/songwriter/pianest/poet, Alicia Keys.

This book is FILLED with pages of words, poetry, and lyrics which all can be put together as just simple inspiration. Her life was clearly not a part of the "American Dream" and she had definitely faced struggles and heartache in her life that many of us are fortunate enough to never be able to fathom. Being inspired easily by music and poetry, I am easily able to relate myself to finding no other logical way to express my feelings than through pen and paper. I find this book to be SO inspiring that I have actually lost count of how many times I have read it. I have multiple pages marked for reference in case I ever need a (metaphorically speaking) "helping hand" in getting through tought situations. I love it... I love that book. I can honestly say that it changed my life. :)

in his name,